3月22日学术报告(青年千人 陈敏教授,华中科技大学计算机学院)
浏览次数: 次
发布时间:2018-03-19 10:24
报告日期及时间:3月22日 上午10:00(周四)
报告地点: 计算机学院B403
报告人: 陈敏教授
报告人单位: 华中科技大学
报告人简介:陈敏教授为华中科技大学计算机学院教授、博导,嵌入与普适计算实验室主任,IEEE计算机协会大数据专委会主席。23岁获华南理工大学通信与信息系统博士学位,曾任韩国首尔大学助理教授。2012年入选国家中组部第二批青年千人计划。2017年荣获IEEE通信协会Fred W. Ellersick奖,这是该奖设立25年来首次颁给中国团队。目前他的论文在谷歌学术中引用超过11700次,H-index为53。发表20篇ESI高被引论文,8篇ESI热点论文。发表CCF A 类会议期刊及IEEE-ACM Trans./Magazine论文70余篇。2014年以来连续入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)计算机类中国高被引学者。出版学术专著及教材9部,其中一部全美英文教材(与美国南加州大学黄铠教授合著)。根据谷歌学术数据,2篇论文(第1作者)单篇引用超过1100次,16篇论文(第1作者)单篇引用超过100次。
报告摘要:With the development of the 5th generation wireless systems (5G), the wireless world is to be interconnected without barriers. The new technology is giving rise to more challenging applications, and people expect more personalized and interactive services with resource-limited mobile terminals. Fortunately, Mobile edge computing (MEC) implemented in the context of 5G can overcome this bottleneck, which makes it possible to enable many resource-intensive services for mobile users with the support of mobile big data delivery and cloud-assisted computing. In this talk, a novel Emotion-aware Mobile Cloud Computing framework in 5G will be given, which provides personalized emotion-aware services by MEC and affective computing. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing are significant for emotion-aware computing and emotion detection to meet various technical challenges. Especially, the role of wide learning is emphasized, which integrates multiple deep nets models and multidimensional data collections through IoT and 5G technologies. The practical testbed named Affective Interaction through Wide-Learning And Cognitive Computing (AIWAC) will be introduced.
邀请人: 袁志勇教授
- 上一篇:2018年3月20日学术报告(徐宏,香港城市大学)
- 下一篇:2018年3月22日学术报告(Jane You, 香港理工大学)