2018年1月12日学术报告(Zixiang Xiong ,Texas A&MUniversity)
类别:未知 发布人:admin 浏览次数: 次 发布时间:2018-01-09 17:10
报告人:Zixiang Xiong  教授
报告人单位:Texas A&MUniversity
报告人简介:Zixiang Xiongreceived his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996. He is a professor in the ECE departmentof Texas A&M University. His main research interest lies in image ideoprocessing, networked multimedia, and multi-user information theory.He has 11book chapters, 127 journal papers, 230 conference papers, and 23 US patents tohis credit. Dr. Xiong received an NSF Career Award in 1999, an ARO YoungInvestigator Award in 2000, and an ONR Young Investigator Award in 2001. He isco-recipient of the 2006 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine best paper award, top10% paper awards at the 2011 and 2015 IEEE Multimedia Signal ProcessingWorkshops, and an IBM best student paper award at the 2016 IEEE InternationalConference on Pattern Recognition. He was the Publications Chair of ICASSP2007, a Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of ITW 2007, the Tutorial Chair ofISIT 2010, the Awards Chair of Globecom 2014, and a General Co-Chair ofMMSP'17. He served as an Associate Editor for five IEEE Transactions. He iscurrently an associate editor for the IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. He has been afellow of the IEEE since 2007. 
报告摘要:We study basic tradeoffs between energy and delay in wirelesscommunication systems using finite blocklength theory. We first assume thatdata arrive in constant stream of bits, which are put into packets andtransmitted over a communications link. We show that depending on exactly howenergy is measured, in general energy depends onor, whereis the delay. This means that the energy decreases quite slowlywith increasing delay. Furthermore, to approach the absolute minimum of -1.59dB on energy, bandwidth has to increase very rapidly, much more than what ispredicted by infinite blocklength theory. We then consider the scenario whendata arrive stochastically in packets and can be queued. We devise a schedulingalgorithm based on finite blocklength theory and develop bounds for theenergy-delay performance. Our results again show that the energy decreasesquite slowly with increasing delay.  
邀请人:胡瑞敏 教授 
上一篇:2018年1月10日学术报告两则(邵理阳 余浩,南方科技大学)