12月19日学术报告信息(Prof. Shouhuai Xu,University of Texas at San An
浏览次数: 次
发布时间:2017-12-15 13:44
报告题目:New Progress in Cybersecurity Dynamics
报告日期及时间:12月19日 上午9:00 周二
报告人: Prof. Shouhuai Xu
报告人单位: University of Texas at San Antonio
Shouhuai Xu is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio. He is the founding Director of the Laboratory for Cybersecurity Dynamics (
http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~shxu). His research is primarily in making cyberspace secure and trustworthy. He is interested in both theoretical modeling and analysis of cybersecurity and devising practical cyber defense solutions. His research has been funded by AFOSR, ARL, ARO, NSF and ONR. He co-initiated the International Conference on Science of Cyber Security (
http://www.sci-cs.net/ ), the first edition of which (SciSec’2018) will be held in Beijing, August 12-14, 2018. He also co-initiated the ACM Scalable Trusted Computing Workshop (ACM STC). He was a Program Committee co-chair of NSS’15 and Inscrypt’13. He has served on the Program Committees of numerous international conferences. He was/is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE T-IFS), and IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IEEE TNSE). He earned his PhD in Computer Science from Fudan University.
Cybersecurity Dynamics is a systematic framework for modeling, reasoning, quantifying, and predicting cybersecurity from a holistic perspective. The framework naturally leads to three orthogonal research thrusts, namely first-principle modeling, data analytics, and metrics. In this talk, I will review the state-of-the-art in Cybersecurity Dynamics. In particular, I will highlight how the collaboration with the HUST team is making substantial contributions in deepening our understanding of Cybersecurity Dynamics in several frontiers. I will also highlight our long-term research objectives going beyond these frontiers as well as other long-term challenges that need to be tackled. Please refer to
邀请人: 赵波教授 严飞副教授
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