报告题目:Getting organized: Spectral libraries in Proteomics in the Big Data Era
报告人: Prof. Henry Lam
报告人单位: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
报告人简介: Prof. Henry Lam is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Division of Biomedical Engineering. He holds degrees of B. Sc. (Chemical Engineering) and M. Sc. (Computer Science) from Stanford University and a Ph. D. (Chemical Engineering) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the Aebersold group at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, USA in 2006 to participate in the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline and Peptide Atlas projects, an effort to collect, catalog and mine proteomics data from various model organisms, as well as to develop reliable and efficient algorithms for existing and emerging proteomics workflows, which continues to this day. He is the lead developer of SpectraST, a spectral library search engine and library building tool for proteomics data. Current research activities in the Lam’s group include method development in proteomics and metabolomics, their applications in biological research, and the novel adaptations of such methods for biological sample fingerprinting.His group is currently accepting application for M.Phil./Ph.D. studies for Spring/Fall 2018 admission
报告摘要: In the past decade, research in proteomics technology has been dominated by the shotgun approach using the LC-MS/MS platform. This type of high-throughput experiments to study the proteome has become increasingly commonplace. The accumulation of LC-MS/MS data deposited to public repositories have outpaced even sequencing data. The main informatics challenge involves collecting, cataloguing, combining and condensing the huge amount of shotgun proteomics data gathered all over the world in all shapes and forms, making them easy to retrieve and query for meaningful reuse. This large collection of data can be captured in spectral libraries, which play a central enabling role in reducing the complexity of proteomics data analysis by spectral matching, and the development of new quantitative proteomics approaches. This talk will introduce the established proteomics technologies to a general audience, while focusing mainly on recent development in computational methods, with exemplary applications in biological and medical research.
邀请人: 刘树波 教授