5月9日学术报告信息1(Prof. Zhenjiang Hu,National Institute of Informa
类别:未知 发布人:admin 浏览次数: 次 发布时间:2017-05-08 09:40
报告题目:Essence of Bidirectional Programming
报告人:Prof. Zhenjiang Hu
报告人单位:National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Zhenjiang Hu is a full professor of National Institute of Informatics(NII) in Japan. He received his BS and MS degrees from Shanghai JiaoTong University in 1988 and 1991, respectively, and PhD degree fromUniversity of Tokyo in 1996. He was a lecturer (1997–1999) and anassociate professor (2000–2007) in University of Tokyo, before joiningNII as a full professor in 2008. His main interest is in programminglanguages and software engineering in general, and functionalprogramming, program calculation, and bidirectional transformation inparticular. He is the academic committee chair of the NII ShonanMeetings, IFIP WG 2.1 member, and has been the steering committeemembers of ICFP, Haskell, APLAS, ICMT, and BX. He is also serving onthe editorial board members of IEEE Transactions of SoftwareEngineering, Science of Computer Programming, and Software and SystemsModeling.
Bidirectional programming is to develop well-behaved bidirectionaltransformations in order to solve various synchronization problems.Several bidirectional programming languages exist to aid programmersin writing bidirectional transformations with increasedmaintainability but decreased expressiveness.  Most existingbidirectional programming languages are to aid programmers in writinga forward transformation "get" and deriving a backward transformation"put" for free. However, the maintainability offered by such languagescomes at the cost of expressiveness and (more importantly)predictability because the ambiguity of synchronization handled by theputback transformation is solved by default strategies over whichprogrammers have little control.
One interesting but less known fact is that while get usually losesinformation when mapping from a source to a view, put must preserveinformation when putting back from the view to the source, accordingto the well-behavedness property.
In this talk, I will show that the essence of bidirectionalprogramming is nothing but developing "put". I will report ourrecent progress on putback-based bidirectional programming, explaininghow to design user-friendly languages for supporting putback-basedbidirectional programming, showing how to systematically check whetherthe definition of a put is in a valid form that guarantees that thecorresponding unique get exists, demonstrating how to applyputback-based bidirectional programming in software development, andhighlighting important issues and challenges for future work.
下一篇:5月9日学术报告信息2(Prof. Zhiming Liu,Southwest University, China)