报告题目:Keyword Search for Building Service-Based Systems
报告地点: E202
报告人: 何强
报告人单位:Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
报告人简介:澳大利亚斯威本科技大学(Swinburne University of Technology)讲师,博导。
何强博士于2009及2010年分别在澳大利亚斯威本科技大学和华中科技大学获得计算机双博士学位。2011年至2014年在斯威本科技大学电子信息及软件工程学院从事博士后研究工作。2014年至今在斯威本科技大学任教。主要研究领域包括软件工程、服务计算、云计算和大数据。在IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering(TSE)、IEEE Transactions on Services Computing(TSC)、WWW、ICDE、ICSOC,ICWS等国际顶级期刊和会议上发表论文40余篇。作为斯威本科技大学青年教师学术骨干带头人,何强博士目前指导5名博士生进行软件工程,云计算及大数据方面的科研工作。出版学术专著1部,主持和参与了7项纵向研究课题,其中包括澳大利亚政府资助的研究课题如大数据分析可视化语言设计与研究,云环境中的服务系统质量管理,云计算环境中的大数据管理,面向服务系统架构及分布式服务工作流技术等。
With the fast growth of applications of service-oriented architecture (SOA) in software engineering, there has been a rapid increase in demand for building service-based systems (SBSs) by composing existing Web services. Finding appropriate component services to compose is a key step in the SBS engineering process. Existing approaches require that system engineers have detailed knowledge of SOA techniques which is often too demanding. To address this issue, we propose KS3 (Keyword Search for Service-based Systems), a novel approach that integrates and automates the system planning, service discovery and service selection operations for building SBSs based on keyword search. KS3 assists system engineers without detailed knowledge of SOA techniques in searching for component services to build SBSs by typing a few keywords that represent the tasks of the SBSs with quality constraints and optimisation goals for system quality, e.g., reliability, throughput and cost. KS3 offers a new paradigm for SBS engineering that can significantly save the time and effort during the system engineering process.
邀请人: 谢晓园