报告题目:DestroyingSteganography via Amalgamation
报告人:Dr. Qiang Tang
报告人简介:Qiang Tang is currently a postdoctoralresearcher at CornellUniversity, he is also affiliated with the InitiativeforCryptocurrency and Contracts (IC3). He will be joining New JerseyInstituteof Technology (NJIT) as an assistant professor this fall.Qiang obtained hisPh.D. from the University of Connecticut on August2015. He was awarded theTaylor Booth Graduate Scholarship and severalpre-doctoral fellowships fromUCONN. He worked as a research intern atNTT research lab, Tokyo and theUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, andhe was also a visiting researcher at theUniversity of Athens, Greece.His research interests lie in the combination ofaccountability,post-Snowden cryptography, and crypto-currency.Also, the cybersecurity centerhttp://centers.njit.edu/cybersecurity/at NJIT has multiple openings ofPh.D., postdoc, visitingstudent/scholar available, if you are interested,please come and talkto Qiang for more details or send an email with your CVtoqt44@cornell.edu.
报告摘要:I will describe a general technique toprotect randomized algorithmsagainstkleptographic attacks, and how we apply thetechnique toconstruct the first IND-CPA securepublic-key encryption scheme inthekleptographic setting. Our scheme preserves IND-CPA security, evenwhen allrelevant cryptographic algorithms—including keygeneration—are subject toadversarial subversion. The scheme requiresno trusted parties orre-randomization reverse firewalls.Thetechnique also gives a secure symmetrickey encryption scheme thatadvances the state-of-the-art by permittingadversarial subversion ofkey generation and, furthermore, requiring no a prioridecryptabilityassumptions.Designing cryptographic primitives immune tokleptographic subversion is an active area which has led to remarkable newmodels andtechniques; many of these arerealizable by systems and can reducethethreat of such strong attacks. The feasibility of public-key encryption thatis kleptographically secure in the CPA sense has beenopen till now.