6月4日学术报告信息(Sherman S.M. Chow,The Chinese University of Hong
类别:未知 发布人:admin 浏览次数: 次 发布时间:2016-05-30 18:35
报告题目:Processing Encrypted Data
报告地点: 计算机学院大楼B-403
报告人:Sherman S.M. Chow
报告人单位:The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
报告人简介:Sherman S.M. Chow joined the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in November 2012. He was a research fellow at Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, a position he commenced after receiving his Ph.D. degree from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. He interned at NTT Research and Development (Tokyo), Microsoft Research (Redmond), and Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory. His main interests are in Applied Cryptography, and Security and Privacy of Networks and Distributed Systems. In particular, he has published in CCS, EuroCrypt, ITCS, and NDSS. He served on the program committees of conferences on these topics including AsiaCrypt, CCS, ESORICS, Financial Crypt, ICDCS, Infocom, PKC, and SACMAT. He is a program co-chair of Security in Cloud Computing 15, ISC 14, and ProvSec 14. He also serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions of Information Forensics and Security, Intl. J. Information Security and J. of Information Security and Applications. He has received the Early Career Award 2013/14 from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.
报告摘要:This talk outlines three different lines of work on processing encrypted data in the context of outsourcing to the cloud, ranging from practical solutions under a certain trust assumption or standard cryptographic assumptions, to strongly secure and versatile solutions under strong cryptographic assumptions.
The first problem considers computing on data encrypted under multiple keys. Existing solution based on fully homomorphic encryption requires interactions among all users at decryption. We propose to use only additive homomorphic encryption or multiplicative homomorphic encryption, under the two-party computation model leveraging two non-colluding cloud server. 
The second problem considers searching over encrypted data. We propose dynamic structured encryption, which allows querying abstract data structure which is encrypted. Our scheme supports parallel traversal and non-interactive update simultaneously, with minimized leakage.
The final one considers how to do cryptography in the parallel random access machine (PRAM) model in general, in particular, our results enable outsourcing of any PRAM program with privacy of input, output, and the program itself, where the complexities at both the client side and the server side are optimal up to a polylog factor. The key building block is a new primitive which is known as computational-trace indistinguishability obfuscation.
邀请人: 王骞 教授 
上一篇:5月30日学术报告信息(孟卫一 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校)
下一篇:6月8日学术报告信息(Ming Li,University of Arizona)