报告题目:Light: Replay via Tightly Bounded Recording
报告日期及时间:2016. 1.12, 下午3:30
报告人: Peng Liu (刘鹏)
报告人单位:Purdue University
Peng Liu is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Computer Science, Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on improving the reliability and performance of software by applying program analyses and the theories across disciplines. He has served as the reviewer of journals such as TSE and JCST. He will join IBM Watson Research Center to work on the research related to Mobile Apps.
In this talk, I will present my recent bug reproduction work published at PLDI 2015. Reproducing concurrency bugs is a prominent challenge. Existing techniques either rely on recording very fine grained execution information and hence have high runtime overhead, or strive to log as little information as possible but provide no guarantee in reproducing a bug. We present Light, a technique that features much lower overhead compared to techniques based on fine grained recording, and that guarantees to reproduce concurrent bugs. We leverage and formally prove that recording flow dependencies is the necessary and sufficient condition to reproduce a concurrent bug. The flow dependencies, together with the thread local orders that can be automatically inferred (and hence not logged), are encoded as scheduling constraints. An SMT solver is used to derive a replay schedule, which is guaranteed to exist even though it may be different from the original schedule. Our experiments show that Light has only 44% logging overhead, almost one order of magnitude lower than the state of the art techniques relying on logging memory accesses. Its space overhead is only 10% of those techniques. Light can also reproduce all the bugs we have collected whereas existing techniques miss some of them.
邀请人: 徐宝文 教授