报告题目:Extended Proxy-Assisted Approach: Achieving Revocable Fine-Grained Encryption of Cloud Data
报告地点: B404
报告人:Joseph Liu 博士
报告人简介:Dr. Joseph Liu (廖啟瑞博士) 在 2004 年取得香港中文大学信息工程系的博士学位. 他的主要研究范围包括: 网络安全、个人隐私、身份核实、公钥密码、云安全、 智慧城市安全等。他現在在澳澳大利蒙纳士大学(Monash University) 资讯科技学院担任高級讲师。之前,他在新加坡资讯通讯研究院 (Institute for Infocomm Research, I2R) 担任研究院达7年之久。他在IEEE TC,IEEE TPDS,IEEE TIFS等国际著名期刊,会议上发表90余篇学术论文。其中包两篇论文分别获得了ESORICS 2014 及 ESORICS 2015 颁发的最佳論文奖励. H 指數高達 24. 他的一项有关轻量级密码学的研究,在 2013 年被 ISO 采纳成国际标准,供业内同行使用。他同时担任ProvSec 2007、ProvSec 2014、ACISP 2016等多个著名学术会议的主席。
报告摘要:Attribute-based encryption has the potential to be deployed in a cloud computing environment to provide scalable and fine-grained data sharing. However, user revocation within ABE deployment remains a challenging issue to overcome, particularly when there are a large number of users. In this work, we introduce an extended proxy-assisted approach, which weakens the trust required of the cloud server. Based on an all-or-nothing principle, our approach is designed to discourage a cloud server from colluding with a third party to hinder the user revocation functionality. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by presenting a construction of the proposed approach, designed to provide efficient cloud data sharing and user revocation. A prototype was then implemented to demonstrate the practicality of our proposed construction.
邀请人: 何德彪 副教授