9月9日学术报告1(日本法政大学 刘少英: Formal
类别:学术报告 发布人:admin 浏览次数: 次 发布时间:2015-09-24 15:05
报告题目: Formal Engineering Methods:Bridging Formal Methods and Software Engineering
报告地点: 计算机学院B404
报告人:刘少英 教授

 Shaoying Liu received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Manchester, U.K. in 1992. He is Professor of
Software Engineering at Hosei University, Japan. His research interests include formal methods and formal engineering methods
for software development, specification verification and validation, specification-based program
inspection, automatic specification- based  testing, and intelligent software engineering environments. He has published a book titled Formal Engineering for Industrial
 Software Development Using the SOFL Method (Springer-Verlag), eight edited conference proceedings, and more  than 150 academic papers in journals and international conferences. He proposed the use of the terminology of “Formal Engineering
 Methods” in 1997, and has established Formal Engineering Methods as a research area based on his extensive research on the
 Structured Object-oriented Formal Language (SOFL) method since 1989, and the development of the ICFEM conference series  since  1997.  In recent years, he has served as the chair of the Steering Committee for ICFEM 2010, ICFEM 2011, and ICFEM 2012, and a
program committee member for numerous international conferences. He is on the editorial board for the Journal of Software
 Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR). He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a senior member of the IEEE, and a
 member of the Japan Society for Software Science and Technology.

  Conventional software engineering on the basis of informal or semi-formal methods is facing tremendous challenges in ensuring  software quality. Formal methods have attempted to address those challenges by introducing mathematical notation and calculus
 to support formal specification, refinement, and verification in software development. The theoretical contributions to the discipline
 of software engineering made by formal methods researchers are significant. However, in spite of their potential in improving the
 controllabilityof software process and reliability, formal methods are generally difficult to apply to large- scale and complex systems in practice because of many constraints (e.g., capability limitations, limited expertise, complexity,
 changing requirements).
We have developed the“Formal Engineering Methods” (FEM) as a research area since 1990to study how formal methods can be
 effectively integrated into conventional softwareengineering process for the purpose that formal techniques can be tailored,
revised, or extended to fit the need for improving software productivity and quality in practice (e.g., through the enhancement of
 the usability of formalism and the tool supportability of the relevant methods). We have also developeda specific FEM called
Structured Object-oriented Formal Language (SOFL) that offers rigorous but practical techniques for system modeling,  transformation,  and verification: three-step formal specification, transformation from structured specificationsto object- oriented implementations, and specification-based inspection and testing. The effective combination of these three techniques  can  significantlyenhancesoftware productivity and quality. The SOFL method has also achieved a good balance among the  qualities of simplicity, visualization, and precisionto allow engineers to easily use the method. In this talk, I will first analyze the
 major reasons why existing formal techniques do not work well in practice and then focus on the issue of how FEM addresses
 the problems and is used for software quality assurance.

邀请人:徐宝文 教授
上一篇:9月6日学术报告(中科院计算技术研究所 诸葛海
下一篇:9月9日学术报告2(香港理工大学 张磊:Weighted Nu