  • 姓名:彭敏
  • 主页:http://sc.whu.edu.cn/person/minpeng
  • 性别:女
  • 职称:教授
  • 学历学位:博士后
  • 电话:027-68775667
  • 办公地点:外围投注365A516
  • E-mail:p e n g m @ w h u . e d u . c n
  • 硕/博士生导师:硕导/博导
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人工 智能 自然语言处理 数据挖掘

1990-09-01 ~ 1994-07-01 武汉大学 物理与科学技术学院 物理学 学士学位

1999-09-01 ~ 2002-07-01 武汉大学 计算机学院 计算机应用技术 硕士学位

2002-09-01 ~ 2006-07-01 武汉大学 计算机学院 计算机软件与理论 博士学位

2011-至今 武汉大学  计算机学院 教授

2004-2017 国家多媒体软件工程技术研究中心  副主任

2016-至今  武汉大学语言与信息研究中心 主任

2015.10-11  澳大利亚维多利亚大学   访问学者

2005-2010  外围投注365  副教授

2009-2011  美国新墨西哥大学电子与计算机工程系 博士后

2006  香港城市大学电子与计算机工程系 访问学者


G.Tian, J.Huang, M.Peng, J.Zhu, Y.Zhang Dynamic sampling of text streams and its application in text analysis Vol.53 No.2 pp.507-531 2017 Knowledge and Information Systems (CCF B类期刊)
M.Peng, W.Gao, H.Wang, Y.Zhang Parallelization of Massive Textstream Compression Based on Compressed Sensing Vol.36 pp.1-18 2017 ACM Transactions on Information Systems (CCF A类期刊)
M.Peng, G.Zeng, Z.Sun, J.Huang Personalized app recommendation based on app permissions pp.1-16 2017 World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (CCF B类期刊)
J.Huang, M.Peng, H.Wang A probabilistic method for emerging topic tracking in Microblog stream Vol.20 No.2 pp.325-350 2017 World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (CCF B类期刊)
M.Peng, B. Gao, J.Zhu, J.Huang, M. Yuan, F. Li High quality information extraction and query-oriented summarization for automatic query-reply in social network Vol.44 pp.92-101 2016 Expert Systems With Applications
M.Peng, Q.Xie, J.Huang Sparse Topical Coding with Sparse Groups pp.415-426 2016 WAIM 2016 
M.Peng, X.DaI, K.Zhang, G.Zeng KPCA-WT: An Efficient Framework for High Quality Microblog Extraction in Time-Frequency Domain pp.304-315 2016 WAIM 2016
M.Peng, J.Huang, Z.Sun, S.Wang Improving Distant Supervision of Relation Extraction with Unsupervised Methods pp.561-568 2016 WISE 2016
J.Zhu, X. Li,M.Peng,J.Huang, T. Qian, J.Huang, J. Liu, R. Hong, P. Liu Coherent Topic Hierarchy: A Strategy for Topic Evolutionary Analysis on Microblog Feeds pp.70-82 2015 WAIM 2015
J.Huang,M.Peng,H. Wang Topic Detection from Large Scale of Short Text Stream with High Utility Pattern Clustering pp.3-10 2015 PIKM workshop of CIKM 2015
M.Peng,T. Zhang,J.Huang,J.Zhu,J.Huang Microblog emerging topic detection method based on Regression models and spectral clustering pp.- 2015 Computer Engineering
M.Peng,Q. Wang,J.Huang, L. Zhou, X. Hu Stock Research Reports Classification Based on Sentiment Analysis pp.124-130 2015 Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)
M.Peng,J.Zhu, X. Li,J.Huang, H. Wang, Y. Zhang Central Topic Model for Event-oriented Topics Mining in Microblog Stream pp.1611-1620 2015 CIKM 2015 (CCF B)
M.Peng,H. Fu,J.Huang,J.Huang, J. Liu High Quality Microblog Extraction Based on Kernel Principal Component Analysis and Wavelet Transformation pp.- 2015 Computer Engineering
M.Peng,B. Gao,J.Huang, J. Liu Automatic Summarization of Microblogs Based on High Quality Information Extraction pp.36-42 2015 Computer Engineering
M.Peng, J.Huang,J.Zhu, J.Huang, J. Liu Mass of short Texts Clustering and Topic Extraction Based on Frequent Itemsets Vol.52 No.9 pp.1941-1953 2015 Journal of Computer Research and Development
N. Liu,Y. He,F. He,M.Peng, J. Liu The Method of Chinese Opinion Sentence Extraction and Polarity Identification Based on Sentimental Elements Vol.765 No.2 pp.1406-1410 2013 Advanced Materials Research
N. Liu, Y. He, Q. Chen,M.Peng, Y. Tian A New Method for Micro-blog Platform Users Classification Based on Infinitesimal-time Vol.10 No.9 pp.2569-2579 2013 IEEE Journal of Optical and Communications Networks
K. Liang,M.Peng, S. Khan, A. Rayes, N. Ghani Lightpath Optimization in Multi-Domain Optical Networks pp.17-21 2013 IEEE/OSA OFC
K. Liang, H. Alazemi, F. Xu, M.Peng, N. Ghani An Optimization Approach for Multi-Domain Optical Network Provisioning Vol.5 No.12 pp.1413-1424 2013 IEEE Journal of Optical and Communications Networks
F. Gu,M.Peng,S. Khan, A. Rayes, N. Ghani Virtual Network Reconfiguration in Optical Substrate Networks pp.6-10 2013 IEEE/OSA OFC
M.Peng,J.Huang,N. Ghani,S. Sun,B. Wu,Y. He,W.Wen Micro-blogger influence analysis based on use feature Vol.14 No.2 pp.307-314 2013 Journal of Internet Technology
M.Peng,J.Huang,J.Zhu, L. Zhou,H. Fu, Y. He,F. Li Co-Learning Ranking for Query-based Retrieval pp.468-477 2013 WISE 2013
M.Peng,J.Huang,H. Fu,J.Zhu, L. Zhou, Y. He, F. Li High Quality Microblog Extraction based on Multiple Features Fusion and Time-Frequency Transformation pp.188-201 2013 WISE 2013
J.Huang,C. Li,S. Sun,N. Ghani,M.Peng A Query Expansion Based on Sentence and Vector Integration Strategy Using Universal Gravitation Vol.19 No.7 pp.5391-5400 2012 Journal of Information and Computational Science
F. Xu,T. Das,M.Peng,N. Ghani Evaluation of Post-Fault Restoration Strategies in Multi-Domain Networks Vol.9 No.2 pp.147-155 2012 Optical Switching and Networking
M.Peng,N. Xiong,J. H. Park,A. V. Vasilakos,J. Zhang The Weighted Shortest Path Search Based on Multi-Agents in Mobile GIS Services Vol.12 No.4 pp.302-317 2012 Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC)
Z.Wan, N. Xiong, N. Ghani,M.Peng, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, L. Zhou Adaptive Scheduling for Wireless Video Transmission in High-Speed Networks pp.180-185 2011 IEEE INFOCOM 2011 High Speed Networks Workshop
M. Esmaeili,M.Peng, S. Khan, J. Finochietto, Y.Jin, N.Ghani Multi-Domain DWDM Network Provisioning For Correlated Failures pp.6-10 2011 IEEE/OSA OFC
F. Xu,M.Peng, A. Rayes, N. Ghani, Ashwin A. Gumaste Multi-Failure Post-Fault Restoration in Multidomain DWDM Networks pp.6-10 2011 IEEE/OSA OFC
M.Peng,X. Ma, Y. Tian, Y. Ming, H. Long, Q. Lin The Web Information Extraction for Update Summarization Based on Shallow Parsing pp.109-114 2011 3PGCIC
M.Peng,Q. Lin, Y. Tian, M. Yang, Y. Xiao, B. Ni Query Expansion Based on Conceptual Word Cluster Space Graph pp.128-133 2011 NISS
M.Peng,M. Yang, S. Sun, H. Long, N. Ghani, B. Ni A Query Expansion Based on Sentence and Vector Integration Strategy pp.41-45 2011 NISS
N. Ghania,M. Esmaeilia,H. Wub,Y. Qiaoc,R. Wangd,M.Peng Service overlays for Ethernet LAN over SONET/SDH Vol.7 No.2 pp.54-65 2010 Optical Switching and Networking
M. Esmaeili,F. Xu,M.Peng,N. Ghani,A. Gumastec,J. Finochiettod Enhanced Crankback Signaling for Multi-Domain IP/MPLS Networks Vol.33 No.18 pp.2215-2223 2010 Computer Communications
M. Esmaeili, F. Xu, N. Ghani,C. Xie,M.Peng,Q. Liu Enhanced Crankback for Lightpath Setup in Multi-Domain Optical Networks Vol.14 No.5 pp.480-482 2010 IEEE Communications Letters
M. Esmaeili, F. Xu, N. Ghani,M.Peng, Q. Liu Enhanced Crankback Signaling in Multi-Domain Optical Networks pp.21-25 2010 IEEE/OSA OFC
F. Xu,M.Peng,M. Esmaeili,N. Ghani,A. Rayes Multi-Domain Restoration with Crankback IP/MPLS Networks Vol.8 No.1 pp.68-78 2010 Optical Switching and Networking
F. Xu,M.Peng,M. Esmaeili,N. Ghani Advanced crankback provisioning for multi-domain networks pp.209-214 2010 IEEE HPSR
F. Xu,M.Peng,M. Esmaeili, M. Rahnamay-Naeini, S. Khan, N. Ghani,M. Hayat Post-fault restoration in multi-domain networks with multiple failures pp.593-598 2010 IEEE MILCOM
F. Xu, T. Das,M.Peng, N. Ghani Evaluation of Post-Fault Restoration Strategies in Multi-Domain Networks ANTS pp.43-45 2010 IEEE ANTS
F. Xu, M. Esmaeili, C. Xie, N. Ghani,M.Peng, Q. Liu Enhanced Crankback Signaling for Multi-Domain Traffic Engineering pp.23-27 2010 IEEE ICC
M.Peng,J. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Hu, Z. He The Street View Character Recognition Based on Support Vector Machine pp.411-415 2009 AIPR
M.Peng,Laurence T. Yang, W. Zhao, N. Xiong Wireless Service Attributes Classification and Matching Mechanism Based on Decision Tree pp.12-17 2008 AINA

基于无监督知识提取和多关系表示学习的自动问答关键技术研究 2018.1 2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
社会网络的主题演化分析与传播趋势预测研究 2015.1 2018.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
基于反馈式排序框架F-Rank的查询导向的更新式多文档自动摘要研究 2010.1 2013.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持
可信软件构造理论与方法研究 2012.1 2015.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与
面向证券行业的财经新闻与股市研报文本分析 2014.1 2016.12 横向合作,主持
社会网络XXX 2013.1 2013.12 国家部级技术改革项目,主持
XXX分类与挖掘系统 2013.1 2012.12 国家部级技术改革项目,主持
基于压缩感知的社交网络主题提取与演化分析 2013.1 2015.12 深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目,主持
基于P2P的网络实时流媒体平台研究与开发 2009.1 2011.12 湖北省教育厅高校产学研合作重点项目,主持
面向中文文本信息融合的句子排序研究 2008.1 2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与
微博重要目标及群体分析 2011.3 2012.10 厅级科技计划项目,主持
基于图模型的网页文本自动文摘研究与应用 2009.1 2012.12 湖北省自然科学基金项目,主持
微博信息及目标深度挖掘 2012.7 2013.7 武汉市公安局,主持

本课题组核心成员包括1名国家名师、1名教授、1名副教授、1名青年教师以及硕博士研究生35名,团队充满活力和钻研精神,是一支具有较高科研实力和创新思维能力、科研成果丰硕及学科交叉合作深入的科研队伍。项目组成员长期专注于自然语言处理、信息检索、数据挖掘等方面的研究,近五年来,主持了相关领域的国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目5项,以及省部市级科技计划项目共计26项;近三年发表与本研究紧密相关的SCI/EI/ISTP/核心论文共80篇,其中SCI论文36篇、CCF ABC类国际会议论文和网络通信领域顶级国际会议论文共计19篇;参编著作6部;授权和受理国家发明专利和软件著作权7项。




“Evaluation of Post-Fault Restoration Strategies in Multi-Domain Networks” , Feng Xu, Tamal Das, Min Peng, Nasir Ghani,IEEE ANTS 2010最佳论文
