2007–present Assistant Professor, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan. China.
2013–2014 Visiting Assistant Professor, Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
1. Chengfang Song, Zhiqiang Pang, Xiaoyuan Jing, and Chunxia Xiao. Distance field guided L1-median skeleton extraction. The Visual Computer, 2016(doi:10.1007/s00371-016-1331-z):1–13, 2016.
2. Chengfang Song, Yinzhen Yang, and Qunsheng Peng. Hierarchical approximation of plant motion. Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, 16(8):1526–1531, 8 2011.
3. Yingzhen Yang, Yin Zhu, Chunxiao Liu, Chengfang Song, and Qunsheng Peng. Entertaining video warping. In Proc. of IEEE CAD/Graphics 2009, pages 174–177, 2009.
4. Chengfang Song, Yang Yu, Yingzhen Yang, Fazhi He, Qing Zhu, and Qunsheng Peng. Data-driven realistic animation of large-scale forest. Chinese Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 20(8):1015–1022, 8 2008.
5. Chengfang Song, Qifeng Tan, Long Zhang, Yi Gong, Wei Chen, and Qunsheng Peng. Real-time simulation of dynamic forest scene in the wind. Chinese Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 19(3):323–328, 3 2007.
6. Chengfang Song, Qunsheng Peng, Zi’ang Ding, Xiaolan Tu, Yubo Zhang, and Wei Chen. Sketch-based modeling and animation of floral blossom. Chinese Journal of Software,18(Suppl):45–53, 12 2007.
7. Chunxia Xiao, Shu Liu, Hongbo Fu, Chengchun Lin, Chengfang Song, Zhiyong Huang, Fazhi He, and Qunsheng Peng. Video completion and synthesis. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 19(3-4):341–353, 2008.
8. Xiaoyi Hu, Huafeng Li, Yimu Guo, and Chengfang Song. Dynamic finite element based animation of tree swing in the wind. Chinese Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 19(9):1166–1171, 9 2007.
9. Long Zhang, Chengfang Song, Qifeng Tan, Wei Chen, and Qunsheng Peng. Quasiphysical simulation of large-scale dynamic forest scenes. In Proc. of Computer Graphics International 2006, pages 735–742, 2006.
10. Changbo Wang, ZhangYe Wang, Qi Zhou, Chengfang Song, Yu Guan, and QunSheng Peng. Dynamic modeling and rendering of grass wagging in wind. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 16(3-4):377–389, 2005.