6月2日学术报告信息(美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 刘兵: Sentiment Centric Analysis of S
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发布时间:2015-09-02 14:24
题目: Sentiment Centric Analysis of Social Media
时间: 2015年6月2号上午10点(下周二)
地点: B403报告厅
报告人: Bing Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Bing Liu(刘兵),美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校教授,IEEE FELLOW, ACM SIGKDD主席。
刘兵教授是目前国际上Web 挖掘方向上最具影响力的计算机科学家之一。他在该前沿领域做出了一系列高水平的、甚至开创性的研究成果,他在这些领域的研究与进展受到了其他研究人员的密切关注。据Google Scholar的统计,其论文引用率已经超过10, 000 多次,仅引用超过100 次的论文就有16 篇,其中有2 篇的单篇引用超过1000 次。近年来,刘兵教授将自然语言处理的相关技术引入到Web 观点挖掘,开辟了被称之为情感分析的新领域。因为在该领域的贡献,美国最有影响力的报刊《纽约时报》于2012 年2 月27 号在头版报道了他在这方面的研究。他也是TKDE 等多个权威国际期刊的编辑及如SIGKDD, WWW, CIKM等一流国际会议的大会主席或程序委员会主席,并在2013年度被选为ACM SIGKDD协会的主席。
Social media analysis has become a major research direction in recent years due to numerous applications and challenging
research problems. In this talk, I will present a sentiment and opinion centric framework of social media content analysis because
in many applications of social media the most important information that one wants to mine are what people talk about and what
their opinions are. These are exactly the tasks of sentiment analysis.In fact, many social media mining tasks can be seen as post-processing of sentiment analysis results. Furthermore, sentiment information indicates importance because everything that we
consider important arouses our emotions which are expressed in text using opinion and sentiment expressions. Although
sentiment analysis or opinion mining has been primarily studied in natural language processing and data mining, the research
and application of sentiment analysis have spread widely outside of computer science to management science and social
sciences in recent years due to its importance to business and society as whole and due to the fact that opinions are central to
almost all human activities and are key influencers of our behaviors. In this talk, I will discuss these ideas, present some recent
research in sentiment analysis and its interaction with machine learning, and also go beyond to discuss some emerging topics
at the crossroad of computer science and social sciences.
邀请人: 钱铁云 副教授
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